How To Make Your Ex Miss You

8 min readJul 28, 2021


Most individuals who have been dumped have opposing beliefs: on the one hand, they want to make their ex miss them, yet the normal acts of someone who has been rejected overwhelm their former with their presence, preventing that person from ever having the opportunity to miss them.

The discarded person will phone, text, beg, plead, weep, and show up at their ex’s house or workplace on a regular basis, everything to keep your ex from missing you.

It produces a powerful and negative opposing impact.
So give him (and yourself) some space. I agree with the No Contact Rule notion.

So, how do you enforce the No Contact rule when all you want to do is go through your phone and cry over photographs of the two of you?

What is the significance of this?

So you have come to learn how to make your ex miss you, want you back, and regret losing you. You are wondering if he will miss you or if she will miss you. You want to know how to make him miss you or make her miss you terribly.

The answer is probably not one you will enjoy.

Does my ex still care about me after a terrible breakup?

You have to vanish. That is, you do not let your ex hear from you in order to make them miss you.

How To Make Your Ex Miss You

One of the most difficult chords to strike while attempting to win back your ex is kindling that flame of desire, of longing. But you are not only aiming to make people physically long for you. You want them to want you with all of their heart, mind, person, and strength. When you want someone on all of those levels, it becomes more profound and significant. And if those emotions are not met, they become more intense, especially if you have already had a taste of it, such as when you were in a relationship with them. As a result, the aim becomes how to make your ex miss you.

Does The No Contact Rule Work If You Were Dumped

However, if you want your ex to truly miss you, you must prolong the waiting time so that deeper feelings of nostalgia might emerge.

Your ex may miss you for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways. They could have awoken one day and recognized that their life was just better with you in it. You got some fantastic news or something wonderful occurred to you, and then you realize the person who would most likely care the most, if at all, about this is no longer in your life. You go to a mutual friend’s party, and everyone there is in a relationship. Everyone but you. Or an epochal, life-changing event occurs, and you realize that your ex was the perfect person, or at the very least, the only person worth sharing and going through the experience with.

How can I make my ex appreciate me?

Learning how to make your ex miss you might be the golden ticket to getting your ex back. Needless to say, it is no simple task, especially because neither of you is in the picture right now. How do you make your ex miss you when the two of you are not even in contact? Or, how can you make your ex miss you if she would not even give you an opportunity to meet? Technique and refinement are necessary to make your ex miss you. And, unless you are one of the lucky few whose ex suddenly wakes up and realizes what he or she is missing, chances are you will not be able to do this in a single shot. We have gone through these issues in depth and are here to give you the Do’s and Don’ts of making your ex miss you. Thinking about your ex is normal.

If you have shared friends and the breakup has reduced your social circle, get out and meet new friends!

Step 4: Concentrate on your social life. It is critical that you focus on your social life if you want to become the lady he once met and for him to miss you.

Here’s my basic rule of thumb: any image that makes you appear like you belong in a magazine should certainly be your profile picture.

It is determined by your ex’s attachment style, the people in his or her life, the support he or she is receiving, and the sort of relationship you had with this person.

Give yourself an Alpha M makeover and upload pictures of yourself reinventing yourself and feeling amazing about who you are.

After a breakup, you may feel inclined to indulge in consolation foods that are harmful for your body.

The last thing you want to do is buy a brand-new automobile only to be saddled with a $600 car loan that you can not afford! 9 Tell Him How Wonderful Life Is. If you are still in contact with your ex-boyfriend, you have plenty of chances to make him miss you!

How can you make your ex desperately want you back?

Not all relationships and breakups are the same.

If your relationship was awful and he felt miserable and confined, he might not miss you as much as a guy who was with a lady for a long time and loved her very much, but it ended because he was not ready to commit in the way she desired.

The type of your time together will heavily influence how he feels after the relationship. Were you generally content? Did you have a good time together? Did you tell each other anything? Were you truly in love with each other? Or did you constantly fight? Make each other unhappy? Do and say heinous things to each other?

For obvious reasons, this is crucial. If you broke up with him, it implies he did not want to break up with you because he still wanted things to work out. Another factor that works in your favor is that most people want what they can not have. That is simply human nature.

How can I rekindle his desire for me?

If you broke up with him and he did not want to break up with you, his competitive drive would most likely kick in and he will strive to win you back.

What if he calls it quits on you? It is, however, still quite feasible to reclaim him. You will, however, need to perform some inside work on yourself. You must evolve into a better, stronger version of yourself. This is not simply to get him back; it will also help you get over the breakup and improve your life in general.

Relationship Experts Weigh In What exactly is separation anxiety in a relationship?

Will No Contact Make Him Move On

This includes unfriending him and perhaps blocking him from accessing all of your social media profiles.

On Special Occasions, Wish Them Shutterstock Do not pretend to be unaware of their birthday.

My argument is that you do not need a magic wand to make your ex-boyfriend miss you.

I went through a difficult breakup of a two-year relationship ten years ago.

If you were to ask me what one of the most common mistakes I see women make, I would have to answer that being too preoccupied with their ex is at the top of the list.

The Power of Silence After Break Up

You will also need to consider why he broke up with you, what was at the base of the problems in the relationship, and if these issues are recoverable. If they are, you must identify the adjustments that both you and him must do for it to work. However, it all begins with you.

How can you tell whether your ex still cares for you?

Or do you continue to work 15 hours a day?” However, this is not how it works in real life.

The NC Rule (No Contact Rule) specifies the following: The no contact rule refers to a period of time following a breakup when you cut off all possible communication with an ex.

Allow yourself and your ex enough time to process the breakup.

There are no shortcuts to making your ex miss you, therefore keep in mind that your ex must go through the 5 breakup phases for the dumper to start missing you.

How Can You Make Your Ex Miss You?

When you are not present, any unpleasant memories or opinions he has of you will recede into the background of his mind, and the better times will come to the fore.

After a breakup, all of these triggers will transport you back in time to the lovely memories you made and the laughter you shared.

They will be worried if your ex discovers that you are attempting to broaden your social network and are busy marking things off your social schedule.

I do not only mean romantic relationships; I mean losing out on possible new interests, travels with friends, or just doing anything outside of your comfort zone!

Psychologically, how do you make your ex miss you?

Alternatively, instead of bragging on social media, you may keep them entirely in the dark as a means to make your ex miss you. The adage “absence makes the heart grow fonder” is true. However, there is one caveat: this only works when the breakup is new and your ex has not adjusted to life without you.

When you impose a firm “No contact” policy, your ex will feel as though something has been abruptly taken away from him or her, both psychologically and emotionally. They will try to fill the gap, but they will understand that nothing can replace the closeness you two had and offered.

Does the 60-Day No Contact Rule Work?

The No Contact rule has two functions: it may either help you move on from the relationship, or it might make your ex miss you so much that he will be itching to get back together as soon as the no contact period is through. 10 Adorable And Funny Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans

For example, you may text, “Hey, I heard there is a sequel to your favorite movie in the works.”

Rather of succumbing to your emotions and indulging in junk food and comfort foods, choose healthy food and lifestyle choices.

How can I make my ex miss me terribly?

All you have to do now is get your body in shape. And, when it comes to looks, the eyes, youthfulness, buttocks, body mass, waist-hip ratio, and other factors all play a part.

Perhaps this is not that strange because you share a group of friends.

Follow These Steps, THEN Contact Your Ex. Stop phoning and messaging her, as well as monitoring her on social media, and give her space and solitude so she can give you a second opportunity.

How To Get Him Back

Discover the 5 texting blunders that turn guys off (that nearly every woman does).

Your ex was only thinking about your flaws at the end of the relationship and took you and what you bring to the table for granted.




Written by ExBackExpertise

I live and learn about love and romance.

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