Will Ex Forget Me During No Contact?

8 min readJan 4, 2021


If you are apprehensive, desperate, and obsessed with some indication that you are missing, that is natural, too. If you feel like you somehow live a little less in this universe, or that holidays are devoid of joy when you hear radio silence, please know that you are not insane. You are making sense.

This feeling comes from a really natural position in both of us that we do not want to believe there is. It is the frightened little kid part of us who is afraid of being abandoned and lost. Breakup is a difficult emotional pain to go through. You can not get your ex out of your mind. You are trying to get back and be his girlfriend again. But is there always love and attraction?

I often call this the “ What about ME?” part of our thinking and feeling. It is the child’s voice inside of us trying to get out of here. What are the reasons to break up. Did you press the button too far?

No one wants to be forgotten or overlooked. It really hurts to think about it. I know you are looking for answers to the blog. You have got a lot of questions in your mind, and sadness destroys you.

BUT-The reality is that our anxiety will always make us believe that if we listen to what it says, we are somehow inadequate. Be true, fear never tells you that you are amazing, that you deserve to have everything you want, etc.

Fear’s job is to make you feel insignificant and indigent. It brings up your insecurities and then tells you to look at them in depth.

Does your ex miss you during no contact?

If you continue to have no contact, you will begin to feel less helpless, less invisible, and better to feel (all) your emotions and to be fully yourself. It may seem unlikely and progress may be made at a glacial rate, but it is going to happen. If you keep no touch, clearly and clear, you will always be the girl that has left.

But maybe not because of the reasons you believe. Do not get jealous, let your ex get into your head. There is nothing you can do about it. It is really important to realize that radio silence is the best way to regulate your psychology.

Whether you are unexpectedly unpredictable, undisturbed, and at ease. If your ex starts displaying a search-monkey attitude about the matter of whether you will become clingy and unbalanced because you miss him? Then, something that tests this will help prove your case. If, when he has found a level-up version of the girl he used to know, there is the slightest hint of a girl that can help him rise to the challenge AND that would go “backwards in time” to her younger form to help him catch her… It will again be instilled in his mind that he IS the trophy he needs to make his self-confidence soar for life.

Anyone who has been through an intimate relationship, can see the good andbad in themselves and others understand that there is no such grand prize for your ego that will make you feel great about yourself all of the time. You are angry, sad, jealous, and anxious to see if No Contact is going to succeed.

Only let the time go and practice self-love.

How long does it take for an ex to miss you with no contact?

Let us be frank, there are some situations where no contact is not going to work. If your ex boyfriend left you for someone who is madly in love with you, or if you have handled them so poorly that their friends and family are all against you, no interaction is likely to succeed.

But in the vast majority of situations, you are going to be able to get a response from your ex. They are going to start missing you. They are going to start remembering all the good aspects of your relationship and wonder if they have made a mistake. Maybe not every one of them comes out straight away, but still, the seed that you planted is there.

The only way to make your ex boyfriend’s heart feel for you is to give him his own space and time to know what he is lacking. Let your ex-boyfriend come to his own conclusion that he wants you. He is sad, too, his heart is in great pain. He broke up with you, man. But you are still absent.

The best thing about no contact is that it makes you a winner regardless of whether your ex wants to reach out or not. In the best case scenario, the ex whispers so much of an apology, they beg you to rethink letting them back in. You have recently become more powerful in the relationship, and are now able to determine whether you want to move forward, or alternatively, move on. In the worst case scenario, your ex maintains radio silence.

However, this might sound bad, but is it not better than begging for anyone to take you back? It not only makes it difficult for you to get over them after a breakup, but also makes them and others unattractive. Asking someone who said they broke up with you to go back to you is an act of desperation. It sent the message: I am ready to join somebody that did not want me. I am willing to settle for something less than “true love” like. And this makes you a lesser being in their eyes.

Your ex always has a feeling about you.

Does no contact push your ex away?

That kind of attitude would make you start to hate the thought of happiness again.

Instead, tell your ex that you do not need him as much as he feels and show him your courage and willingness to stand on your own.

Whether or not you will be able to pull of this effectively is a completely different matter. As many exes have tried and failed, we should make a correction.

This is why self-control is key in reversing breakup with your ex. I hope you do what it takes to stop your urges. You must maintain no contact with yourself and prove your ex that you are strong enough to continue caring for yourself.

If you fail to preserve your friendship, no one will ever give you value and respect again.

If your ex texts you, it is possible that he/she needs a text message from you. On his birthday, don’t pick up the phone just because a call came in. As for you not paying attention to Facebook/ Facebook, or other social media, there is a word for that . It will cause you to become extremely jealous.

Why you should never break no contact?

The no contact rule is intended to assist you in helping you get back on track within your life. It is up to you how much time there is for you to develop a new standard and/or a healthy routine. Instead of thinking of these previous years as an intrusion to your life, you should perceive them as an opportunity to recall what your life was like before that person. Do not get confused, begin to assume that the disruption of your life is a time of no contact, if the contrary is true: your individual life is what you hold onto during your relationship, so that after those 0 days, you determine whether this relationship really enhances your life.

By violating this law, you are tempting yourself to be rejected before ever asking anyone out. Logically, you know that there is no touch, but you are always afraid to go against your heart. It tells you it’s now or never and advises you (in a way) to do something or your ex will move on.

You would like to get his attention?. Ignoring him will still work for you, just like radio silence.

But what you really may not know is that your ex had moved on well before you came to this website. As a matter of fact, it is more likely that your ex has moved on a long time ago you dumped her with a phone call, and thinking about your ex moving on is way too late.

You should live with your pain and cope ways to heal your heart [if possible]. Don’t worry about it if your ex doesn’t touch you. It is really hard for him to forget his relationship with you after being romantically involved with you.

It is necessary for you to let go of your emotional attachments. You may be in love, but your ex might already have a boyfriend.

This is because breakups are usually a last step to seeking happiness. When they exhausted all choices, people break up with their partner after worrying about their decision for weeks, consulting with friends and relatives, and maybe even searching for someone new.

Will he forget me if I don’t contact him?

It is basically because we do not refer to our ex’s that we do not find ways that our ex’s would not care about us. This, unlike the rest of the No Touch, does not necessarily have to be too serious. All people should have a coach, or be checking-in with their has a coach before their results. You are checking up on your ex boyfriend, right?

You two are like a pair of old friends, I guess. Your ex would want to know what you are doing with all of your extra time that you have earned. New partnerships would certainly intrigue them. You are not the only one in the breakup who is curious what the ex is doing. Often, they wonder if you are the same stuff.

Will he find someone else during no contact?

There are people who quickly get over a broken love affair. Maybe in terms of romance. As a result of a breakup with his girlfriend, several men have to pursue other people. If you find out or you learn that he has been meeting other people during your no contact with him, consider if this is a guy you want to get together with in the first place.

Some women think it OK if their ex (or someone else) seeks new relationships soon after her. But, you have to remind her of the mind that this does display a lack of respect. If you ever want him back, he will have to work for you, just like the last time. In order to be strong and stable after a breakup, no contact will help.

But you have to make sure that this person is sincere or you will suffer in the future. You will certainly come back from seeing other women with him when your on no communication and it is still really necessary that you realize who you are and that he is worth.

What if he doesn’t contact me during no contact?

If he has not been in touch with you during the no contact time, you should rest with the thought that there are fewer things to worry about.

You should not have to worry over how you are supposed to behave and respond anytime your ex calls you, too, do not have to listen to all the “great things” that your ex does without you, such as the locations your ex has been to and the celebrities he or she has met.

Do not think it is the worst thing that can happen to you that your ex will never hear if it is really a veiled blessing.

Only look at things in a positive way so that you can withdraw from your ex and know that your well-being is a million times more important than your ex boyfriend. If you did not hear from your ex, that means your ex is now moved on with their mind and will no longer be hurting you. In other words, you can no longer be worrying about or dreaming about your ex-boyfriend coming back to you.




Written by ExBackExpertise

I live and learn about love and romance.

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