Is My Ex Thinking About Me During No Contact

10 min readAug 26, 2021



Is My Ex Thinking About Me During No Contact?

Many people who contact me for coaching to get their ex back believe that when their ex broke up with them, a switch was flipped in their ex’s mind, and their ex is suddenly cold and no longer cares about them.

Unless your ex is suffering from serious mental illness or has genuine/clinical character defects, this is not the case.

It is very possible that your ex still cares about you and thinks about you even when you are not in contact with him or her.

That does not imply you should contact them.

Let me say it again.

Just because you know what your ex is thinking during the no-contact period does not imply you should contact him or her.

You should not do so.

If you have recently been dumped, see “What Do I Do If I Was Just Dumped?” for a thorough explanation of why this is the case and why you should be encouraged.

It does not imply you should text, phone, or go visit them just because they are thinking about you or your ex is missing you during no contact.

In fact, if you wish to get them back, the reverse is true.

That is covered in the articles mentioned above, but it is not the focus of this essay.

He will undoubtedly think about you since the no-contact time allows him to do so.

Every guy goes through the no contact time in a unique way.

How do you know if he misses you during no contact?

Going through the “no contact” rule after any relationship (no matter how long it lasted) is one of the most crucial times that helps you determine if you should consider continuing in a relationship or moving on.

Yes, it is that time of year when every lady is constantly checking her phone, yearning to know what is going on in her man’s brain.

God knows how tiring this period can be — seconds turn into hours, and overthinking just never ends.

To save yourself all of this hassle, seek for indications that will tell you whether he still misses you or not!

Is my ex thinking about me during no contact
How do you know if he misses you during no contact?
What are the stages of no contact?

If your mutual friends, his friends, or his family tell you that he can not stop talking about you, you know he misses you terribly and just can not fight the want to have you back.

That is why he would continue to talk about you even when you are not around.

To give you a brief refresher, a no contact rule is just a period of time where you purposefully ignore your ex.

He will do it because he can not take his mind off you for even a second!

If he is the reason you two broke up in the first place, apologizing is one of the most crucial signals that he misses you during “no contact.”

By apologizing, I do not mean saying “I am sorry” once and expecting you to fall for it right away.

If he keeps apologizing, you know he truly regrets what he is done and desperately wants you back.

He cares about how you feel, and he is disappointed in himself for not understanding how wonderful of a girlfriend you are sooner.

So, if you have just decided that he still misses you, you can think about giving your relationship another go, but always remember to ask yourself first: “What do I really want?” Nothing should stop you from seeking your happiness if you want the same thing he does! Best wishes!

Even if you have fixed all your flaws and become the most gorgeous person in the world, reconciliation is out of the question for such dumpers.

What are the stages of no contact?

So, presuming that a no contact rule is working on your ex, you are enforcing it, keeping disciplined, and not making any mistakes in breaching the no contact rule. These are the five steps your ex should go through during a no contact rule.

They are calm and certain in their decision (3 Days To A Week)

Be concerned if they do not hear from you (Week To 2 Weeks)

Anger when they realize they are being ignored (2 Weeks To 2.5 Weeks)

Confrontation Over What They have Lost (2.5 Weeks to 3 Weeks)

Possibility of Contact (3 Weeks To 4 Weeks)

I believe I should include in this discussion that a usual no contact rule would run anywhere from 21 to 45 days, depending on the severity of your specific circumstance. This means that each ex will respond to the no contact rule in a unique bit. For example, stage one may last two weeks whereas stage two may last only a few days.

The no contact rule, on the other hand, will aid you in your recovery process since the worst thing you can do is risk sliding back into his toxic web.

Does silence make a man miss you?
How long does it take for an ex to miss you with no contact?
Will no contact make him move on?
What he’s thinking during no contact?

Does silence make a man miss you?

Yes, quiet makes a man miss you, especially if he has begun to take you for granted or has lost interest after you have chased him. The dread of loss may cause any man to reconsider his actions, which is why silence is so powerful.

The silent treatment is essentially the same as no contact. Essentially, by cutting off all contact with him, you are attaching repercussions to his decision to reject, ghost, or dump you. Furthermore, it provides him with enough distance to forget about the things that may have turned him off or offended him.

Instead, he will begin to recall pleasant recollections of you, which will have a good way on his emotions.

And maybe it is a false hope, and they know there is just a slim possibility you will reach out.

Perhaps, after all, God is shielding you from a terrible relationship.

It is extremely probable that they think about you from time to time, depending on the relationship you shared.

The dumper) usually feels strength (and often relief) at first, but after a few days or weeks of no contact, your ex is likely to develop feelings of doubt in their decision, missing you, fear that you have moved on, and confusion that you have not chased, begged, and pleaded as most people do after being dumped.

It may offer you with some immediate satisfaction, but he will not remain.

How long does it take for an ex to miss you with no contact?

Given that you should not be contacting or monitoring him, it is difficult to point to particular indicators that it is functioning on his end. But first, I will go through the broad psychology of how it works in five steps.

I began to listen to my favorite music and eat my favorite meals.

1. Relief

Your ex will experience immediate relief from the breakup during the first few days of no contact, which will last around 1–2 weeks.

2. Inventiveness

Then they worry why you have not contacted them, or what you may be doing instead. His interest will grow with each passing day that you do not talk to him.

3. anger

This is not always the case and is dependent on the person. However, if your ex’s interest has grown, he will begin to question if you are with another person at this point. Jealousy may arise. In the aftermath of a breakup, this is generally where rebound relationships emerge.

4. Befuddlement

Your ex’s imagination has run wild over what you may be up to the point that he is completely concerned with you. Even if he is in a rebound relationship, here is when the bubble may shatter for him, and he sees this new person as unrealistic — and perhaps annoying.

Will No Contact Make Him Move On

5th. Fear

This is the ultimate step in which any course of action is decided. Your ex is terrified that he has lost you for good. Between breaking up with someone and being broken up with, this is the stage at which the initiator begins to feel the same way you did at the start.

Will no contact work if he lost feelings?
How do I know my ex is thinking about me?
Will my ex just forget about me?

Will no contact make him move on?

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please If he does not hear from you for several weeks or months, he may forget about you. Instead, use my variation of the no-contact rule to improve your chances tenfold.

I present you with the finest of both worlds. Contact, but not just any contact.

But, because of my love for him, he wanted to see me, and we did see one other a few times after that.

The 30-day rule following a breakup The no contact rule is straightforward: you are effectively creating a chasm between you and your ex.

What he’s thinking during no contact?

So, what is he thinking when there is no contact?

He is perplexed, but in a nice way. He is thinking about you, all the hows and whys and what occurred to transform you so drastically.

He is certain that you have abandoned him thus early on, and he cannot believe it. The less he knows about you, the more intrigued he will be by you.

This is a strong indication that the no-contact rule is effective on him (assuming you want him to think about you).

Will no contact work if he lost feelings?

Yes, it is the solution. Your ex misses you in the same way he did when he was in a relationship with you… Inconsistently….. You already know this, but the goal of no contact is to get out of a toxic relationship and avoid being triggered by someone who has caused you pain so that you may recover and move on.

How do I know my ex is thinking about me?

When your ex discusses their future with you, it is an indication that they are considering reconciliation. Exes always speak about what went wrong after a breakup and try to blame one other for the demise of the relationship.

You can tell the difference between someone who truly wants to figure out what went wrong in order to enhance future relationships and someone who simply wants to blame their ex in order to feel better.

How do you know if your ex misses you?
Why am I suddenly thinking about my ex?

If your ex is attempting to better themselves in areas that may have caused the breakup, it is a positive indicator that they want to get back together. If your ex has been actively attempting to conceal their dating life from you, this might be a hint that they wish to rekindle their relationship.

How Long Should No Contact Last

They will not care if you learn out about their dating life unless reconciliation is on their mind. When your ex starts reminiscing about the wonderful times you had, it might be a hint that they want to get back together. It is safe to say they miss you and the joy you had throughout your relationship.

Does The No Contact Rule Work If You Were Dumped

How Do You Know If He Misses You When There Is No Contact?


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Written by ExBackExpertise

I live and learn about love and romance.

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